Svešteničke povlastice okruga Wills u Irskoj, 1538 - 1810.god
40,663 zapisa
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Will signed
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Pretraga u Svešteničke povlastice okruga Wills u Irskoj, 1538 - 1810.god
Will signed
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Svešteničke povlastice okruga Wills u Irskoj, 1538 - 1810.god
40.663 zapisa
Ova zbirka sadrži registre testamenata do 1810.god. Gotovo svi su uništeni 1922.god u eksploziji u Kancelariji za Javne registre u Dablinu, tako da je ova zbirka često jedini preživeli dokaz onoga što je izjavljeno testamentima pred ovim sudom. Podaci navedeni u ovim zapisima mogu uključivati: ime i prezime, datum potvrde testamenta i sliku stranice.<br><br>Prior to 1858 all wills and administrations were dealt with by the established church authorities, namely the Church of Ireland, irrespective of whether the deceased was of that religion or not. Most wills were proved/probated, and administrations granted in the appropriate local Diocese. However, if the deceased had assets of greater than £5 in more than one diocese, the case was sent to Dublin to be dealt with by the Archbishop's Prerogative Court. In 1858 the entire administration of testamentary matters was brought under the jurisdiction of the state, and removed from church control. The 30 Diocesan Consistorial courts and the Prerogative Court were abolished and replaced by 13 Probate Registries and a Central Registry.
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